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Covenant College Philosophy Club


Top Student Papers
Pillar of Salt
Base Relief
Salt Lick
Site Map



We have some great expectations for the future of this site. Among other things we want it to be a means for Covenant students to interact with each other and with others from around the world concerning philosophical issues from a Reformed2 perspective on faith and life.

The “Genius Pedestal” (also called “Top Student Papers”) and the “Discussion” sections will attempt to put the thoughts of Covenant students out there so that anyone may interact with them. “Base Relief” does this too, but in a much less serious fashion.

The “Pillar of Salt” section is where the Philosophy Club’s consciousness will attempt to comprehend itself by including reflections upon and tasty morsels from our past events (dare we look back?) as well as upcoming activities. This could at some point spin off a section which would contain an archive of the best content (in text or audio format) from our Philosophy Club meetings and activities.










Top Student Papers

Pillar of Salt


Base Relief


Site Map


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1That is, the Unfathomably Boundless (And As Of Yet, Sparsely Populated) Playground Of Covenant Philosophy Students!

2By “Reformed,” we mean the kind of perspective that is: (primarily) faithful to God’s inscripturated word, and (secondarily) in the tradition of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation which is well-expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith. Check out the article, “What is the Reformed Faith?” for more introductory information.